The Lourêdo Valley

Vale do Lourêdo is located within Bustelo, in the municipality of Ribeira de Pena. It is named after the river Lourêdo and encompasses a small valley within the mountain range of Alvão. The area has an incredible natural heritage, translated in the mountainous ecosystem, dominated by native deciduous forests, dense riparian areas and rocky slopes. The area is within the “Alvão-Marão” Site of Community Importance (SIC) of the Natura 2000 Network”, and integrates a local cultural heritage site, the Bustelo water mills. It strives to become a space that promotes nature-based activities, while integrating ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services.


This project is funded by the Portuguese Environmental Fund, no. 5325/2020 Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity - Management of biodiversity and strengthening of natural capital.

The project aims at the sustainable use of the area’s natural heritage, through the incorporation of ecological restoration and conservation of native biodiversity with nature-based economic activities, such as trekking and hiking. It also focuses on sharing the importance of local biodiversity and ecosystems, by providing nature guides for the native fauna and flora of the Vale do Lourêdo.

Ecological recovery of the area
The project aims to improve the conservation status of the land, through its structural and functional ecological recovery, including cleaning, removing invasive species and planting native species. The main objective is to expand areas of high natural interest, such as native oak forests and riparian zones, thus enhancing biodiversity and its resilience to ecological pressures, such as forest fires. It is also intended to plant species with potential economic return, such as chestnut trees, strawberry trees, wild apple trees and wild pear trees.

Fox Trail
The project aims to promote activities of a sustainable nature, through the creation of a pedestrian route with the interaction of a strong cultural component. The trail stands out for the installation of support structures designed to integrate the landscape and for the design and implementation of a suspension bridge over the Lourêdo River, closing the walking trail in the Lourêdo Valley. The designed structures, adapted to the specific context of the area, aim to provide elements of uniqueness to the pedestrian route and the region.

Nature Guides
The project has an environmental awareness and nature conservation component, through the provision of information regarding biodiversity and natural values ​​in the region. Nature guides are being developed, which reveal the different species of fauna and flora present in the area, with detailed information about them and relevant information in the local context. These guides aim to make the local natural heritage known not only to visitors to the Lourêdo Valley, but also to communities, schools, companies and local authorities.

Technical Team:
Coordination: Nuno Quidiongo (Nicho Verde)
Consultancy and development of scientific content: Helena Santos (Terrawise)
Architecture and artistic design: Hugo Reis and Filipa Almeida (FAHR 021.3)
Web design, graphic design and communication: António Cruz + Carlos Gonçalves (A.Cruz Design Studio)
Cultural production: Andreia Faria
Funding Fundo Ambiental and Nicho Verde


The project carries out actions that can be classified into four different typologies.

1 – Recovery and ecological rehabilitation of part of the land in Vale do Lourêdo
The aim was to improve the state of conservation and reduce pressure factors and risks existing in the territory, through the planning and execution of land cleaning, the removal of invasive species and the planting of autochthonous species, promoting the expansion of biodiversity and areas of high natural value. The native species planted are arboreal, native to the predominant habitat of the land (for example, oak and hawthorn) and also with the capacity for economic return through the production of supply services (for example, chestnut and strawberry trees);

2 – Valuing natural capital and ecosystem services
It allowed the implementation and promotion of a circular pedestrian trail, the “Trilho da Raposa”. This is a circular route that runs through the terrain of the Lourêdo Valley and the surrounding classified area, along the slopes of the Lourêdo River valley. In order to contribute to cultural ecosystem services and the uniqueness of the route and the area of ​​Vale do Lourêdo, the conception and design of complementary equipment to the trail (information panels and supports) was carried out, integrating landscape values ​​and Land Art elements . . The same concept was used in the design and construction of a suspension bridge over the Lourêdo River, closing the circular pedestrian trail. These elements complement the trail and provide uniqueness to the Lourêdo Valley and the region;

3 – Dissemination of information about the importance of local heritage and natural capital
The project included the design of a digital platform with content about the project and with digital guides about the flora and fauna of the Lourêdo Valley land, reinforcing the need to protect and conserve nature and biodiversity. On this platform, a virtual visit to the “Trilho da Raposa” was also included, thus increasing the visibility and accessibility of the project;

4 – Fostering sustainability and territorial innovation practices, attitudes and behaviors that take into account the impact of different human determinants (including those derived from climate change) on the efficient use of resources
The set of actions developed within the scope of this project make it replicable in other marginalized territories, by promoting the recovery of biodiversity and carrying out economic activities in harmony with natural heritage. The walking trail was complemented with information hosted on the digital platform about natural heritage and good practices for nature conservation. The information made available and disseminated during and after the project contributes to strengthening literacy on the importance of preserving and recovering natural heritage.

Finally, in the long term, the implementation of the aforementioned actions will increase the management capacity of the land and the surrounding protected area, through the promotion of sustainable sports and nature tourism activities, valuing local biodiversity and demonstrating the value of natural capital, bringing potential repercussions for local cultural and economic activities, thus guaranteeing the financial capacity for managing the area.